News & Blog

June 26, 2024

Things to Find After You Move

When you are in the process of moving around, you have a million things running around your brain. It’s only natural that you tend to forget a few things here and there. Most people do not realize that once the move is done, it’s still not really over. Here are […]
January 19, 2024

How to Move in Winter

Do I want to move in summer heat or winter chill?   A recent survey showed more than half prefer winter.  A successful move requires some planning. Stop and Store Victoria has some tips for a wintertime move. How to Move in Winter Utilities Turned on Before Moving Day: Make sure […]
September 15, 2023

Moving – the Last Minute Details

The details of packing are just part of the home-moving process. If you’re making a long-distance move, for example, you need to get your car tuned and serviced for the trip (that is, if you aren’t towing it). Here are some more helpful tips, courtesy of Stop and Store Victoria: […]
September 15, 2023

Tips To Help Sell Your Victoria or Saanich Home

A few simple steps can really make a difference in how fast your home sells. Don’t forget that self storage is your friend when looking to de clutter. Sell Your Victoria Home Fast Clean Make it look as clean and spacious as possible. When showing it to potential buyers, Remember, […]

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