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Moving back to School

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The school year 2022 is quickly approaching for many students. Many of you moving back to UVIC have experienced this before and are better adapted to the stress. But for you newcomers, we have some tips for making your move back an easy one.

Moving back to School Tips

Furnished or not?


If you are moving into dorms, chances are that your dorm will be furnished somewhat. Bed, Desk and chair is about all you can expect, and that’s fine. You do not actually need any more than this. Besides some school supplies and kitchenware, you should be alright, maybe a set of sheets or two.

Shared House

This is a toss up whether It’s furnished or not, chances are it’s not and you need to bring your own things. IKEA is your friend here, easy to transport, easy to assemble and cheap to buy. If you are sharing the house, talk to the other roommates and share certain items, pots, pans, TV, couch etc.

Hire a mover?

We would say no, this is a costly expense that you can do without. If things are too heavy, enlist some friends and buy the pizza. Moving companies for a simple dorm room move are overkill. Try to pack light and bring the essentials. You can buy the smaller things later.

What to pack?

Toiletries, towels, bedding, clothes, school supplies and any medicines you need. These are the basics, and as you go you can buy things that come to mind. A computer would be vital as well as it will keep you entertained in that tiny dorm room.

We wish you well returning to school. Don’t stress about the small things, and if you need storage space, contact us Stop and Store Victoria.

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